Beto Carrero World Developed activities
English course
The BETO CARRERO INSTITUTE, through its actions and initiatives seeks to influence human, economic, social and cultural rights policies that ensure the full exercise of citizenship rights for the community, especially children, adolescents and young people. A Window to the World - Window to the World, is the result of a social partnership between the Beto Carrero Institute and the Challenge Scholl Idiomas. Created in September 2015, the course is offered to 2 groups of 10 students, age and level of learning (from 7 to 10 years and 11 to 14 years) The classes are held twice a week, in the school shift, in the Institute's offices. new classes at the end of this period and or at the beginning of each semester.

It was in the interaction with the community that the Institute detected that speaking a second language was not only a differential but something that was restricted to a group of people who could attend a private school. Because the language domain means growth, development and, above all, better conditions to accompany the rapid changes that have been taking place in this new technological century and with the fierce competition to enter the competitive labor market, the English course emerges as a great perspective for the adolescents, to add an extra value to their curriculum, and to be a step forward to follow the rapid changes and technological and social changes that we are experiencing.

A social partnership that worked!